Weblog Entry - 06/22/2003: "NEWS NEWS NEWS!"

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06/22/2003 Entry: "NEWS NEWS NEWS!"

Alright, sorry about not updating for a while, but things have been ever so hectic. Anyways, Andreia has found a new bassist, Greg Fugate. They are finally a 4 piece and are currently recording their new EP, a demo will be released soon enough for free that will have both of the songs that are on the music page. Lots of new material is being written, almost as if Andreia is starting over from the beginning, lots of second guitar parts have been added to the old songs as well as new bass lines. Finally, Andreia is grasping a particular sound, and it is completely original. Shows will soon be coming up so watch out for that, until then talk on the message board and download the songs on the music page if you already haven't! And make sure to join the mailing list, we will keep you posted with updates!

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Posted by Greg F @ 06/28/2003 03:36 PM EST